Saturday 9 April 2011

The beginning

Today is Saturday, April 9th. It's the 99th day of the year and there's only 266 days left. What a surprise!
For me this day is nothing special. For others, like the Finns, it's "The day of Finnish language". It's probably a holiday for them. 
 I feel like it's not spring that's coming around, but autumn. I'm still waiting for the first flowers. About 2 weeks ago I decided to take some cherry-tree braches home and wait for their buds to bloom. But...nothing...

I feel like I am tortured. Few days ago it was about 10°C, but now - nearly 0°, and not sunny, but rainy and rainy and rainy AGAIN.

The main idea, why I created this blog, was to show you the best new photos on the internet Maybe you'll find them interesting too...And sometimes I'll talk about my life and show you my own works! Have fun!

Officially! The first feature! 
Some of my favorite pictures

See you next time!                                                                                                      
xoxo Agnes

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